Finding your voice empowers you to embrace your uniqueness and to be your most authentic self. Some of us learned as children to sit still and be quiet. Finding your voice is a beautiful journey of self-awareness and self-discovery.
The journey of finding your voice begins with the body, with paying attention to how our body feels—whether it tightens and goes into a state of heightened alert or relaxes and feels at ease in different circumstances. Learning to trust the wisdom of the body is the key to discovering your voice. Only when we learn to come home to our body, to trust its wisdom, can we begin to have a clear voice in our lives and in the world. When we trust the experience of our inner voice as spoken through the body, we begin to trust what is true for us, regardless of what others think, feel, say, or do.
Mindful Writing: Discover Your Authentic Voice
Mindful writing and mindful journaling practices can help you to discover your authentic voice. Mindful writing is a practice in which we listen to our inner voice and write what we hear, approaching whatever arises with kindness and interest. With this mindfulness journaling practice, we meet whatever arises from within with acceptance. We write regularly, approaching the mindful writing practice as an act of deep listening and honoring whatever we hear. The more we listen, the more we write, we will come to gradually recognize our inner voice as a true expression of our most authentic voice and authentic self.
Unless you engage in a practice of deep listening to your inner voice, you may not even recognize or be able to locate this voice within. Creating a regular mindfulness practice and writing meditation practice, blending mindfulness and journaling in this way, we show up for ourselves. We invite whatever needs to be heard to come forth. We listen, and we transcribe what we hear. In this way, we come to recognize our voice as our own.
Learn more about mindful writing with Jen.
Word by word, the language of women so often begins with a whisper. –Terry Tempest Williams