
Remember Who You Wanted to Be

Remember who you wanted to be. Have you forgotten? At some point, many of us have dreams about our life–how we want to live, how we imagine feeling, who we want to be. Sometimes, life goes quickly by, we go through life not living mindfully or intentionally, and our dreams get lost. We forget what we even wanted.

Every day provides opportunity to remember who you wanted to be in the world. Gaining clarity about our values, purpose, and intentions can serve to create a foundation from which we move forward. We can stay on course with who we want to be if we remain mindful of what matters most to us and then align our actions with our values, purpose, and intentions.

It’s never too late to be what you might have been.  –George Eliot

What matters most to you? Try setting an intention for who you want to be. Practice mindful journaling by writing in a journal a word that describes who you want to be. Jot down the word on 4 sticky notes that describes it. Post the sticky notes in places that you’ll see throughout the day.

What specific and small action steps can you take today and every day to get you closer to who you wanted to be? When we keep our intentions at the forefront of our attention, we have a greater chance of realizing our intentions. Keep remembering, and try aligning your attention, intention, and actions today and every day.

Jen Johnson is a mindfulness teacher, coach, and therapist teaching meditation for healing, creativity, and resilience. She has been teaching mindfulness for 30+ years.

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