Do we have the power to choose? Most of us certainly have the power to choose where will will rest our attention when practicing mindfulness and meditation. Every day we are faced with countless choices. We choose whether we will go through our day with mindful awareness or on autopilot. We choose whether we will make choices that activate and sustain our own wellbeing or sabotage it.
Practicing mindfulness and meditation support us in growing our awareness. When we see ourselves clearly, we have the freedom to choose in large measure how our next moments unfold.
Maybe the fear is that we are less than we think we are, when the actuality of it is that we are much much more. –Jon Kabat-Zinn
We can also choose whether we will believe in our capacity to effect change in our lives. When we come to understand that to a large degree, we are responsible for our own wellbeing, we become the authors of our own lives. In that moment, we become capable of owning our voice and claiming our place in the world. What one choice can you make today to take responsibility for your own well-being?
Recognizing and exercising our power to choose can increase our sense of agency and self-efficacy, support increased life satisfaction, and promote a greater sense of resilience and wellness.
Check out Dr. Rick Hanson’s upcoming yearlong online course, The Foundations of Well-Being. I’m a big fan of Dr. Hanson’s courses and books (Buddha’s Brain, Just One Thing, Hardwiring Happiness) and an enthusiastic affiliate for this course. Though the courses are for anyone, they may be of particular interest to psychotherapists and healthcare workers. Learn more about the Foundations of Wellbeing course and registration links here.