Embracing life with mindfulness means that we turn toward our life with acceptance. A good deal of our suffering comes from turning away from anything that creates pain or discomfort—uncomfortable sensations, difficult emotions, difficult thoughts. In our attempts to turn away from discomfort, we reach for whatever numbs the pain—alcohol, food, TV, Internet, creating drama and chaos, etc.
But the upside of painful knowledge is so much greater than the downside of blissful ignorance. –Sheryl Sandberg
Peace comes when we practice cultivating the capacity to be present with whatever arises. We find refuge in the breath as we build an internal sense of resiliency and growing trust that no matter what happens, we will be ok. We cultivate this capacity by practicing being present with experience—sensations, feelings and thoughts—with acceptance, curiosity and compassion. And when the balance of life tilts toward darkness, we balance being with the darkness with cultivating joy and lightness.
We find meaning in the darkness through noticing its landscape, and then we carry the meaning that we make from the darkness into the light. We learn that we have agency related to our own well-being.
Embracing life with mindfulness facilitates a greater sense of peace, happiness, wellbeing, and resilience. When we resist what is present in our lives, we create more stress and tension. When we turn toward our lives with kindness and compassion, we cultivate peace.
Meditation practice offers an opportunity to practice turning toward whatever arises in the present moment with kindness and compassion.
Jen Johnson is a mindfulness coach, teacher, and therapist teaching meditation for healing, creativity, and resilience.
1. Wilmington, NC: Weekly mindfulness meditation drop-in class at on Tuesday evenings from 6-7pm.
2. Thursday November 20 7-9pm I’ll be speaking at the Raleigh Celiac Support Group at Rex Hospital about learning how to reduce the stress of living with chronic illness and cultivate a greater sense of peace, happiness, and well-being. http://www.raleighceliac.org
2 replies on “Embracing Life with Mindful Acceptance”
Beautiful blog. <3
Eileen, thanks for your kind words, and thanks for stopping by!