Letting go of fear can bring a greater sense of peace and freedom. Fear is a normal and healthy response that can protect us from danger. The problem is that we are at risk for automatically reacting to our fear and allowing it to immobilize us even when there is no real danger.
When you feel afraid, try pausing and taking a step back from the situation. Use the wisdom of discernment to determine whether potential danger is present, and then choose your response accordingly.
If there is possible danger, immediate and skillful action may be required. If you determine that there is no real danger, try taking another pause to breathe and calm your activated nervous system.
Notice the fearful thoughts, and see if you can allow them to float by like clouds without becoming ensnared by them. Try to step outside of feeling afraid and take a moment to wisely decide whether another kind of skillful action may be required. Are you reacting to the fear from a place of self-doubt? In these moments, the most skillful response may be to treat the feeling with friendliness, let it go, and keep on moving forward. Sometimes in meeting fear with kindness and then gently letting it go we find peace and freedom.
Do not let your fears choose your destiny –Unknown
We can also practice mindfulness of feelings when we feel afraid. Pause, take several deep breaths, and engage with this inquiry:
What am I feeling? Name the feeling silently to yourself.
Where do I feel it in my body? Name the location.
What are the sensations? Name the sensations.
Continue to rest your attention on the coming and going of the sensations. When your attention wanders, bring it back to the sensations. Try observing the sensations and feelings with kindness.
Jen Johnson is a mindfulness teacher, coach, and therapist teaching meditation for healing, creativity, and resilience. Sign up to receive mindfulness in your inbox.