Meditation Mindfulness

Begin Again with Mindfulness Meditation

Each moment offers an opportunity for us to begin again by practicing mindfulness—to return to a relaxed state in the body, return to a positive emotional and mental state, and return to making changes that support our happiness and wellbeing.

Whether you’re wanting to make changes that support your physical, emotional, or mental wellbeing, mindfulness study and practice can teach you how to relax the body and cultivate positive emotional and mental states that nurture peace and serenity, joy, inspiration, awe and wonder, creativity, and wellbeing.

Each moment is an opportunity to begin again…

Try focusing your awareness to notice when the body becomes tight and thoughts become worried or negative. Use this awareness to pause and take 10 deep breaths. Notice what it feels like to be in a gradually softening physical body, and see if you can feel the emotional and mental body return to a more balanced state.

There’s no time like the present moment to begin or deepen your study and practice of mindfulness. Whether you’re new to mindfulness or an experienced student wanting to restart your practice, my Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) 8-week online course offers a lovely blend of study and practice to support you in developing a regular mindfulness practice. Lessons arrive weekly in your email inbox and include guided meditation audio recordings. Practicing mindfulness has been showing to increase peace, happiness, inspiration, creativity, and wellbeing and decrease symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression, and pain.

If you’d like personal guidance or need coaching to help you stay on track as you work through the self-study course, you can purchase the course with weekly coaching sessions by phone or Skype for an even deeper learning experience. I have limited openings for this MBSR with coaching support experience, so email me to sign up.

Wishing you peace and happiness in the new year,


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