Meditation Mindfulness

Mindfulness for Anxiety: How to Feel Calm

Mindfulness for anxiety is a powerful practice for helping you to feel calmer and more centered and at peace. Pranayama, or mindful breath control practices, can be useful for calming the energy when you’re feeling anxious. Contrary to what your mind would have you believe, there are things you can do to impact your energy and mood. You can practice meditation and breathing practices to cultivate more positive mental and emotional states and to bring the body, heart, and mind back into a state of balance.

Bring your awareness back to the present moment as you learn to cultivate the capacity to be present with whatever arises.

One of the most effective mindfulness for anxiety practices is 3-Part Breath, which is a breathing meditation practice.

Three-Part Breath with Extended Exhale

  1. Adopt a comfortable seated posture that allows you to be alert but relaxed. If taking a deep breath feels difficult, the practice can be done lying down.
  2. Inhale the first third of the breath through the nose into the bottom of the lungs, allowing the belly to naturally expand.
  3. Inhale the second third of the breath through the nose into the middle section of the lungs, allowing the ribcage to naturally expand
  4. Inhale the final third of the breath through the nose into the top of the lungs, expanding the upper chest.
  5. Exhale slowly and feel the upper chest, then middle of the chest, then lower chest lowering.
  6. Extend the exhale by adopting a ratio of 1:2 for inhale:exhale. Inhale to a count of five, then exhale to a count of ten.
  7. Repeat this breathing sequence for three to five minutes.

I hope this helps you to feel calmer and more peaceful. Mindfulness is a powerful tool for decreasing anxiety.  If you’re interested in a more in depth mindfulness training experience, check out my 8-week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction MBSR online course.

Breathing in, I calm my body. Breathing out, I smile. Dwelling in the present moment, I know this is a wonderful moment.

Thich Nhat Hahn
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