Mindful writing practice as meditation involves the art of writing as mindfulness practice. It is a powerful undertaking for writers and nonwriters alike that can help us become less reactive to thoughts. Think of it as a mindful journaling practice.
When we practice mindful writing, we allow whatever thoughts arise to come and go as we learn how to stay with the difficult thoughts or feelings without getting derailed by them. Writers can learn to use mindful writing practice as both a mindful journaling practice and a writing practice, as it facilitates creative flow and can help us to stay focused on writing without getting so derailed by thoughts or internal judgment about what we’re writing.
Mindfulness is…
Mindfulness is awareness of the present moment with non-judgment and meeting whatever arises in our experience with an attitude of kindness and acceptance. I typically recommend developing a mindfulness meditation practice to help cultivate a relaxed body, kind heart, and steady mind during mindful writing practice.
Mindful writing involves approaching our writing with an attitude of curiosity, meeting whatever thoughts arise with non-judgment, kindness, and acceptance, and simply writing down the thoughts that arise. When we actually get the thoughts that feel like chaos down on paper, it can help us to bring a sense of order to our present moment experience and feel less overwhelmed by the difficult thoughts.
Take a deep breath and let it go. Allow whatever wants to be heard to be written. Connect with your authentic writer’s voice. Enjoy a sense of creative flow and creative freedom with mindful writing.
Mindful Writing Practice for Peace
Writing the thoughts down can help us to relate to them more objectively, as we come to realize that thoughts are just that—thoughts—and they do not have to define our reality, wreck our day, or derail our writing. When we use mindful journaling to slow down the flow of our thoughts, this can help us to be more at ease with whatever arises inside of us and outside of us without being so reactive to it.
Mindful writing practice can be very effective for helping us to make peace with our inner critic. This is also important for nonwriters and writers. Letting our inner critic run the show can lead to inner conflict, decreased self-confidence, and creative blocks. Mindful writing practice can help us to relate more objectively to critical thoughts and stop taking them so seriously.
Studies have shown that people who meditate regularly experience less time getting entangled in inner critical commentary and more time in direct experience of the present moment. Wouldn’t it be great to just be able to be in the moment in your life and in your writing?
Research has also shown that expressive writing about difficult times and exploring our deepest thoughts and feelings is good for our health. But that’s a whole other post…
Click here to learn about upcoming mindful writing workshops.