Intentions Mindfulness for Anxiety

Intentional Choices Can Increase Wellbeing and Happiness

Making intentional choices can nourish the wellbeing and happiness of ourselves and others. It is possible to delight in a bird’s flight even in the midst of picking up litter from the beach. It is possible to cultivate a state of equanimity even in the midst of uncertainty. It is possible to cultivate a state […]

Intentions Mindfulness

Intention: How Awareness and Intention Impacts Action

Intention is fueled by awareness, and action is fueled by intention. Last week one of my students arrived at the realization that joy wasn’t just going to fall into her lap. We laughed together in a shared recognition of the human habit of assuming that whatever we want will arrive in our laps simply by […]

Intentions Mindfulness

Mindfully Creating Intentions for the New Year

Creating intentions with mindfulness supports us in living intentionally and living mindfully. Unless we’ve learned a different strategy, most of us spend the New Year coming up with resolutions regarding things that we feel we should do based on things about which we criticize ourselves. Most people develop resolutions (like exercise) that don’t even really […]

Intentions Meditation Mindful Yoga Mindfulness

Cultivate Awareness

We practice mindfulness to cultivate awareness. Mindfulness, simply put, is awareness of the present moment without judgment. When awareness is present, the mind will operate in a certain direction. When we are not bringing awareness—of our sensations, feelings, and thoughts—to the present moment, we are operating in the realm of unconscious habit, which leads us […]