You can use mindfulness to cultivate a calm body, open heart, and steady mind. As you age and are exposed to increasing toxic burdens, cultivating a calm body becomes increasingly relevant to health and wellbeing. Meditation for Healing It is estimated that 90% of illness is stress related illness. Your body, heart, and brain were […]
Category: Meditation

How can we practice meditation for peace in difficult times? Lately it seems there is so much suffering in the world. How do we find our center amidst all that what is happening in the present? And how can we become more resilient during difficult times? We can use mindfulness and meditation practice to help […]

When we practice writing as meditation, the writing is the meditation practice. It’s a meditation practice in which you use writing about sensations, feelings, and thoughts as the anchor for your attention. The practice involves writing and simply allowing the words to flow without censoring, without judgment, without worry over grammar or punctuation or getting […]
Meditation for Healing

If you haven’t learned about meditation for healing, the power of this practice is worth paying attention to. Studies have shown the effectiveness of meditation for stress reduction, anxiety, depression, and symptoms of a number of medical disorders. It’s been said that it’s not your circumstances that create stress but how you react to them. […]
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) teaches meditation and gentle yoga to cultivate awareness and reduce stress. MBSR was developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn in 1979 at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center and is taught worldwide. MBSR was created on the foundation of the ancient practice of mindfulness, which encourages being fully present in our lives […]

If you have a thyroid disorder, such as hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, or Grave’s Disease, you’re likely familiar with the connection between thyroid and anxiety. Autoimmune thyroid takes anxiety to a whole new level. If you were a car, it might feel like you wake up in the morning going 90 miles an hour stuck in […]

There appears to be a clear connection between autoimmune disease and stress, and this is one of many reasons why my entire coaching and therapy practice is built on a foundation of mindfulness. Mindfulness and meditation are two of the most effective methods that I’ve encountered for stress reduction. It’s why I’m teaching mindfulness and […]
Meditation for Healing Sleep

If you struggle with insomnia, you may find it useful to practice meditation for healing sleep. Mindfulness meditation is about releasing resistance and accepting what is, and when we practice this, we often experience release. You may have noticed that when you’re lying in bed unable to sleep, your tendency is to try harder to […]

Are you suffering from stress related illnesses? The Congressional Prevention Coalition estimated that 90% of disease is caused or complicated by stress. Please take a moment, and let that sink in. Some of the most prevalent health conditions – autoimmune illnesses, heart disease, stroke, cancer, anxiety, depression—are related to stress. The Congressional Prevention Coalition cites […]

You can learn how to practice mindfulness meditation and develop your own home practice. Mindfulness is about learning how to stay in the present moment. Mindfulness is awareness of the present moment, without clinging to it when it’s pleasant, without turning away when it’s unpleasant, and without wanting it to be other than it is. […]