Creativity Meditation

Meditation Helps You to Be Creative

Meditation is a powerful practice that can help us to be creative. Meditation helps us to focus our attention, and focused attention skills are essential for engaging in creative expression. The practice can help us to let go of all of the creative anxiety, self-doubt, harsh inner critic voice, and other hindrances to creativity. In […]

Meditation Mindful Writing

Focused Writing Meditation for Writers

Focused writing. It’s what all writers long for. I know from personal experience that writing can be fun and focused and flow with ease. Whoever said writing is difficult wasn’t practicing writing meditation!  To help you begin to access focused writing, I’d love to teach you a quick breathing meditation practice to help you calm […]

Meditation Mindful Writing

Mindful Writing Practice as Meditation

Mindful writing practice as meditation involves the art of writing as mindfulness practice. It is a powerful undertaking for writers and nonwriters alike that can help us become less reactive to thoughts. Think of it as a mindful journaling practice. When we practice mindful writing, we allow whatever thoughts arise to come and go as […]

Meditation Mindfulness

What is Mindfulness? Awareness of the Present Moment with Kindness

Mindfulness is being fully present in whatever is happening in the moment.


How to Meditate

Learning how to meditate on a regular basis has helped me to feel such a greater sense of peace, happiness, and wellbeing. That’s one of the many reasons that I love teaching other people how to meditate. I’ve been teaching meditation for 30+ years, and one of the most frequent questions that I am asked […]

Meditation Mindfulness

Mindfulness for Anxiety: How to Feel Calm

Mindfulness for anxiety is a powerful practice for helping you to feel calmer and more centered and at peace. Pranayama, or mindful breath control practices, can be useful for calming the energy when you’re feeling anxious. Contrary to what your mind would have you believe, there are things you can do to impact your energy […]

Meditation Mindfulness

Mindfulness of the Body

Mindfulness of the body is one of the four foundations of mindfulness –mindfulness of body, mindfulness of feelings, mindfulness of the mind and mindfulness of the mental formation. The first step of instruction related to mindfulness of the body is mindfulness of breathing. Begin by choosing an environment that allows you to focus your attention. Sitting […]

Meditation Mindfulness

Begin Again with Mindfulness Meditation

Each moment offers an opportunity for us to begin again by practicing mindfulness—to return to a relaxed state in the body, return to a positive emotional and mental state, and return to making changes that support our happiness and wellbeing. Whether you’re wanting to make changes that support your physical, emotional, or mental wellbeing, mindfulness study […]

Meditation Mindfulness

Mindful Self-Compassion for Peace and Happiness

Mindful self-compassion is a radical act of self-care that increases peace and happiness. Mindfulness is awareness of the present moment, without clinging to it, without pushing it away or trying to escape it and without wanting it to be otherwise. It involves meeting whatever arises with acceptance and with an attitude of interest, curiosity, and […]

Meditation Mindfulness

Impermanence: Focusing on What Matters Most for Improved Wellbeing

When we embrace the reality of impermanence, understanding that everything is impermanent, we open to a refuge of deep inner peace. 10,000 joys, 10,000 sorrows –Chuang Tzu The tendency of the mind is to cling to the idea that a moment of joy or a moment of suffering will last forever, and this causes us […]