
Nature Inspiration

Nature inspiration can recharge our creativity and our wellbeing. Early morning or late evening walks near wetlands are a great way to get inspired to create. If you don’t have wetlands in your area, where can you go to connect with the natural world? Perhaps a nearby park or garden. If you can’t find one, try searching online for your city and “connect with nature.”

In North Carolina, more that 70% of species listed as endangered, threatened, or specific concern depend on wetlands for their survival. How can you use your creative voice and vision in the interest of personal, social, and/or environmental healing?

Those of us who are deeply connected to nature often had childhood experiences of connection with nature. We can foster connection with today’s youth by getting outside with them and offering opportunities for them to connect. If you’re a parent, try taking your child to a local park for a walk. Check out programming at local parks. Consider volunteering at a local park for youth programming services. Make time for some nature inspiration. If you own a home, consider creating a backyard native plant garden to support pollinators — birds, bees, and butterflies.

What in nature inspires you? When you are nature inspired, what do you feel inspired to feel, be or do? Try taking some time to connect deeply with nature. Feel and recognize that humans and nature are one. We are a part of nature. The wellbeing of the Earth depends on us, and our wellbeing depends upon the wellbeing of the Earth. How can you honor this interdependence?

Jen Johnson is a mindfulness coach and therapist teaching meditation for healing, creativity, and resilience. She is a certified permaculture specialist and an ecotherapist. Jen incorporates nature therapy into her work with clients. Her photography explores memory, loss, and longing as reflected in the landscape. Learn more about working with Jen.

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