
Mindful Commitment : The Path to Freedom

Commitment to our intentions can bring peace and freedom. Ambivalence, uncertainty and indecision are designed to keep us playing it safe—from our fears that we will make a mistake, get hurt, appear foolish, etc. Meanwhile, as we swirl in our indecision, life passes us by.

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy… the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too.” –W.H. Murray

Commitment to one choice or another gives us an opportunity to move forward toward living the life that we were intended to live. When we quiet the thinking mind and get in touch with a sense of spacious awareness, we make room to hear the quiet whisper or sense the leaning toward one choice or another that feels right. Pause. Breathe. Listen. Commit. Feel the freedom.

Jen Johnson is a mindfulness coach and therapist teaching mindfulness, nature, and creativity practices for healing and resilience. Learn more about working with Jen.

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