Beginner’s mind means that we approach whatever is here in the moment as though we are approaching it for the first time. We meet what is unfolding in the present moment with mindful awareness, kindness, and curiosity.
When we let go of what was, we find freedom to be in the present moment without preconceived notions of what should be. When we approach life grounded in the present moment, we are free to meet each situation, person, or place with an open heart and mind.
Sometimes loss forces us to begin again with a new perspective. Imagine the freedom in approaching each moment with beginner’s mind, letting go of any ideas about how things should be or may be and simply embracing each moment as it unfolds without expectation.
In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few. –Shunryu Suzuki
When we practice moment to moment awareness, we develop a greater sense of peace and resilience for meeting good times and difficult times. We become more able to meet whatever arises with greater resiliency, even in the midst of uncertainty.
Jen Johnson is a mindfulness coach and therapist teaching meditation for healing, resilience, and creativity. Learn more about working with Jen.