
Being with Indecision with Mindfulness

Indecision may or may not be my problem.  –Jimmy Buffet

Indecision can sometimes feel painful. Our reactivity to our own difficulty in deciding is that we want to decide something, anything, but in the wanting to decide, we are wanting things to be other than they are, which only increases our suffering.

Try turning toward the struggle with making a decision with mindfulness. Approach it with an attitude of interest, curiosity, and self-compassion.

Investigate the nature of the indecision. What motivates it? What keeps it going? Is it that simply more time and more evidence will clarify your next steps? Are you allowing fear to keep you stuck? Are you hung up in perfectionism?

Once you can see clearly the nature of your own indecision with mindfulness, you have the freedom to choose whether you will wait for clarity to emerge or move through the barrier and commit to a choice.

To learn more about mindfulness and self-compassion, register for Jen’s Mindful Self-Compassion course.

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