
Practicing Patience

Practicing patience is something that we can do in our daily mindfulness or meditation practice. At times we may find ourselves trying to get somewhere, rush an outcome, or make the unknown known.

When we are practicing patience, we come to accept that our lives are a process of unfolding. If we can learn to sit back and enjoy the journey, we make more room for joy and growth. When our entire focus is on the destination, we miss opportunities for seeing the beauty of each unfolding moment on the journey—the call of a red-wing blackbird, a ripe tomato on the vine, a loving embrace, the changing color of light from the sun, a flock of pelicans flying overhead, a new opportunity, or a gull pausing to rest.

The way to practicing patience is to practice it. Try bringing your awareness to notice the moments when you feel impatient. Ask yourself how you might apply patience to this situation by reminding yourself that life is unfolding in its own timing. Try slowing down to savor the unfolding of your own life.

Patience is a form of wisdom. It demonstrates that we understand and accept the fact that sometimes things must unfold in their own time. –Jon Kabat-Zinn

Jen Johnson is mindfulness coach and therapist offering an integrative approach to healing from loss and difficult times. She offers mindfulness therapy and coaching and grief counseling and coaching. Learn more about working with Jen.

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