
Change Your Mind for Good

Change your mind, and you can change your perspective, mood, and state of wellbeing. If we don’t care for our thoughts, they are naturally inclined to focus on worrying about the future, regretting the past, worrying about what others think of us, or engaging in critical commentary about anything in the present and how it could be improved. These thoughts typically do not lead to peace. They lead to increased suffering.

The mind has a negativity bias, and it will always naturally lean toward the negative. We can counteract the negativity bias by resting our attention more often on noticing what is good and right with ourselves and the world.

Once again I’m reminded that good self-care begins with caring for our thoughts. – Charyl Richardson

Through mindfulness practice, we can train our attention and change our mind so that it rests where we direct it to rest. Through practice, we can begin to be aware of the mind’s habitual patterns, and when we see these patterns clearly, we have the freedom to change our thoughts. Care for your thoughts today by beginning to train your attention and concentration. Try being still and resting your attention on the breath. When the mind wanders, simply note, “wandering,” and bring the attention back to the breath.

If you want to learn more about mindfulness, register for Jen’s MBSR course.


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