
Flow with Your Lifeā€™s Messages with Mindfulness

Lifeā€™s messages can guide us in listening for our next sane and joyful step. Every day your life sends you messages through your body, feelings, and mind. Lifeā€™s messages may also come from outside, such as synchronistic encounters with people or other living beings, a sense that things seem to flow with ease, and a sense that the flow of your life seems to feel blocked.

Move with the clear flow of your lifeā€™s messages.


When you listen to the flow of your lifeā€™s messages with mindful awareness and are doing what gives you the most fulfillment, you are nurturing yourself in the deepest way on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level. When you are living in alignment with what fulfills you, you will feel a sense of ease and peace. Your decisions will feel clear and right.

Connections with like-minded people happen with ease. There is a feeling of lightness, rightness, and spiritual connectedness in your life. When you ignore the flow of your lifeā€™s messages, you may feel a sense of unease, confusion, or ambivalence, or you may experience physical symptoms. Just for today, tune in to the flow of your lifeā€™s messages. Let your life speak. Listen, and pay attention to the messages.

Learn more about mindfulness coaching services with Jen Johnson.

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