Finding clarity becomes easier when approaching our lives with mindful intentions. In moments when we long for clarity related to a decision or circumstance in our life, we often try to think our way to clarity and force a solution. This typically leads to further confusion and uncertainty. Clarity comes when we focus our attention on an intention of gaining clarity and open our heart to receive. ‘
To focus means to bring your attention to the center, to concentrate on one thing intently in order to gain clarity. –Cheryl Richardson
The path to clarity involves sensing into the messages from our body and opening our heart to feel our way through. Mindfulness is the practice of awareness of the present moment that prepares us to listen deeply for this internal clarity. Pause. Breathe. Connect with your body and your heart. Listen for the clarity to emerge. With mindfulness, finding clarity emerges with greater ease. Practicing mindfulness and meditation and intentional living can bring us a greater sense of peace, happiness, wellbeing, and resilience.
Click here to learn more about Jen Johnson’s mindfulness coaching services.