Opening the heart to love creates opportunity for a greater sense of peace, happiness, and wellbeing. Staying in hurt, angry, or even feelings of hatred and resentment is easy. It’s a default pattern. I’m continually surprised, when someone is hurting or angry, how resistant they are to the idea of opening the heart and extending compassion toward themselves and others. They often respond, “I’m not ready.”
When we extend compassion or forgiveness to others, it does not mean we condone their mistreatment of us. We practice compassion and lovingkindness because it brings us a greater sense of peace. We practice compassion and lovingkindness because when we feel more peaceful, we extend more love to others, and this supports the wellbeing of all sentient beings.
At times we are equally resistant to receive love from others. Every day we are surrounded by love. We often fail to recognize it because we are too busy or distracted, or we fail to embrace it because we either don’t trust it or we judge ourselves as unworthy. What would it be like to bring mindful awareness to the resistance and practice opening the heart anyway in the interest of greater personal and collective peace? Sometimes the resistance keeps us from the very thing that is most healing.
Take a moment and breathe. As you inhale, feel the chest expand and sense the space surrounding the heart open. As you exhale, sense the heart space opening more deeply. Take several more deep breaths, and notice what it feels like to be fully present in this moment with an open heart. Take time today to be present to the love that surrounds you. Open your heart to receive love.
Learn more about Jen Johnson’s mindfulness coaching services.