Living in the present with an attitude of kindness and curiosity toward our own experience is at the foundation of mindfulness and mediation practice. We spend so much time ruminating about the past or worrying about the future. Living in the moment can bring a sense of increased peace, happiness and freedom. When you notice that your attention has wandered to rumination or worry, bring the attention back to the breath.
You can also practice living in the present moment simply by attempting to focus your attention on whatever is happening right here, right now. When you’re showing, notice the feeling of warm water on your skin and the fragrance of the soap or shampoo. When you’re eating, take time to savor the textures, colors, scents and flavors of the food. Spend time playing, and savor the joy that arises. Take time to appreciate the sights, sounds, smells and feel of nature. Whatever you’re doing, try living in the moment as much as you can. Feel the freedom.
Jen Johnson is a mindfulness coach and therapist and grief counselor offering an integrative approach to healing from loss and difficult times. Register for Jen Johnson’s MBSR online course to learn more about mindfulness and develop a regular mindfulness practice.
Forever is composed of nows. –Emily Dickenson