Making decisions that support wellbeing is a practice that we can cultivate through creating clear intentions. Every week I sit with clients who are making difficult decisions, and every week lately I seem to be making them myself. We each make choices every day, ranging from when we will go to sleep and get up to what we will eat to saying, “yes” or “no” to invitations in our personal lives and work.
How can we learn to practice making decisions that support wellbeing with greater ease? By getting clear about our core values, or what matters most to us, and by dreaming big about how we want our lives to be and then living intentionally by making conscious choices that are aligned with what matters most to us.
Mindful journaling practice: What matters most to me is… What I value most is…
Try making choices today that are aligned with what you value and notice what happens. Try dreaming big, imaging in great detail how you want your life and work to be. Write it down. Notice what happens next.
The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live. –Flora Whittemore
Jen Johnson is a mindfulness teacher, coach, and therapist teaching meditation for healing, creativity, and resilience. To learn more about mindfulness, register for Jen Johnson’s MBSR online course.