Making intentional choices can nourish the wellbeing and happiness of ourselves and others. It is possible to delight in a bird’s flight even in the midst of picking up litter from the beach. It is possible to cultivate a state of equanimity even in the midst of uncertainty. It is possible to cultivate a state of peace even as men and women return home still fighting an internal war. It is possible to cultivate a sense of internal freedom even in the midst of carrying deep-seated fear and anxiety. It is possible to appreciate the beauty of the Earth even as others seem intent on destroying it. It is possible to celebrate the life of one tiny bird even as another is carried away by a gull. It is possible to celebrate a day of birth even as we are still grieving the violent deaths of others.
10,000 joys, 10,000 sorrows.—Chuang Tzu
This life is filled with 10,000 joys and 10,000 sorrows. When we practice mindfulness, we are able to cope more skillfully with the sorrows and more fully enjoy the joys. Living mindfully and intentionally means allowing it all in and being present to the fullness of life, both the pleasant and unpleasant moments.
May we all make intentional choices about wise speech and actions that contribute to the wellbeing of ourselves, others and this beautiful Earth, today and every day.
Live mindfully. Live intentionally. Choose how your life unfolds.
Jen Johnson is a mindfulness teacher, coach, and therapist teaching meditation for healing, creativity, and resilience. To learn more about living mindfully and intentionally, register for Jen Johnson’s MBSR online course (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction)