Mindful acceptance of the present moment can bring a greater sense of peace and happiness. Acceptance is acknowledging how things are in the present moment. When we acknowledge how things are, calmly being present with our circumstances, then we can ask ourselves how we would like to respond.
Life often does not go as planned. Both joyful and difficult circumstances arise. We tend to cling to the joy and turn away from the suffering. The way to peace and happiness is in learning to savor the moments of joy and to meet the difficult moments with a willingness to stay in the moment.
When difficulty arises—in the form of a tired or unwell body, a heavy or broken heart or anxious or angry thoughts—we can learn to be with the unpleasant sensations, feelings, thoughts or events with mindful acceptance by acknowledging how things are and then inquiring within, “Now what?” When we learn to answer that internal inquiry with acceptance, kindness and compassion toward ourselves and others, we find peace.
Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what’s going to happen next. –Gilda Radner