Be still in the midst of chaos, and come home to the present moment and to yourself. Embrace a sense of inner calm and peace.
During this holiday season, it is more important than ever to take time to make time to be still. Amidst the end of year work deadlines, holiday celebrations and shopping for gifts, we run the risk of overdoing everything—eating too much, drinking too much and doing too much. In addition, though the holiday season is a time of joy for many, for many others it is a season that activates the grief of loss, and this creates additional stress.
The invitation this season is to try to take fifteen minutes per day during the next month to find stillness. Sit quietly and practice awareness of breathing, listen to your favorite instrumental music, write in your journal, watch birds at your backyard feeder, make a photograph, draw, paint or anything else that brings you to a centered, quiet place of internal stillness. Wishing you many moments of stillness during the coming month and always.
Be still. Stillness reveals the secrets of eternity. –Lao Tzu