
Creating an Intentional Life

Creating clear intentions can support us to live an intentional life and creatively inspired life filled with a greater sense of peace and wellbeing. Living mindfully and intentionally takes willingness to sit with the grief of a life unlived, courage to dream big, and sustained effort to see our intentions through. The result of setting clear intentions is a life that feels more congruent with who we are and what we value, which makes for a more meaningful life and a greater sense of peace and happiness.

All you ever longed for is
before you in this moment
if you dare draw in a
breath and whisper, ‘yes

Danna Faulds

Create mindful intentions to support you in living an intentional and creatively inspired life.

Focused Attention

Whatever we rest our attention on grows. When we set clear intentions and take clear action toward them, we can mindfully design a life that is congruent with our values, passions and purpose. In this way, we can live a more meaningful and authentic life. Once we create clarity about how we want our lives to be, we can support our efforts to create the life we imagine by keeping our intentions in mind and taking consistent steps to achieve them.

Writing down our intentions in a mindful journaling practice or making mindful photographs of the life we imagine can serve to help us to keep what matters most in the forefront of our mind and imagination. It can also be useful to set clear monthly and weekly goals that help us to get closer to the life we imagine.

In this season of newness and returning light, may we all take time to contemplate what matters most and what our hearts long for, and may we create clear and mindful intentions for the coming year. I hope to see you in my annual Creating Mindful Intentions workshop.

Warm wishes for peace and wellbeing,

Jen Johnson teaches the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction online course.

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