
Mindfulness Resilience: How to Thrive During Difficult Times

When we practice mindfulness and resilience, each of us has the power and potential to connect with a sense of peace, happiness, and wellbeing regardless of our external circumstances. When we brace against or fight what is, or when we wish things were otherwise, this creates suffering. When we practice mindfulness and resilience to meet stressful times with kindness, acceptance, and an open heart, this creates a greater sense of peace and ease. We may still experience pain, but we can often decrease the suffering. Pain x resistance = suffering.

How we perceive our experience greatly impacts how we feel.

Mindful Resilience: Change your mind

How we perceive our experience greatly impacts how we feel. Itā€™s not events that create our stress and suffering, but how we perceive them and react to them.

An untrained mind meets stressful times with swirling thoughts of worry about the future or regret about the past, trying to escape, or wanting things to be other than they are. When we practice mindfulness, we can train the mind to stay more grounded in present moment experience and meet whatever arises with kindness and acceptance.

With practice, we learn how to turn toward whatever is happening with an open heart and kindness rather than turning away from it and trying to escape it. We then assess whether skillful action is called for, and if so, we take action. The result? An increased sense of peace, happiness, and wellbeing.

Start where you are. Start small if you need to. Start with my 4 minute Meditation for Awareness of the Body, Heart, and Mind. You can find it in the Inspiration Room on my website (if youā€™re an email list member, you have the password in every newsletter I send out). Or if youā€™re ready for a deeper mindfulness experience and youā€™d like to develop a regular mindfulness practice, check out my new Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) e-course that you can take from the comfort of your own home (see below).

You see everything is about belief, whatever we believe rules our existence, rules our life. ~ Don Miguel Ruiz



Online courses are open for registration! See below for more information and for list member discounts. 

If youā€™re ready for an intensive mindfulness training course to help you reduce stress or to support you in establishing a regular mindfulness practice, consider signing up for my Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) 8-week online course. Youā€™ll get 8 weeks of written lessons in your email box, along with audio recorded meditations and yoga practices, practice worksheets, weekly reminders to help you stay on track, etc. You can purchase this one as a self-study course OR with coaching support.

Follow me on Instagram @MeditateCreate for more mindfulness for an intentional and creative life! Shape magazine listed my Instagram account as one of 10 meditation savvy accounts to follow for Insta-zen!

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