Mindful Writing Mindfulness

Release Writer’s Block with Mindful Writing

It’s possible to learn to completely bypass writer’s block and enjoy writing again. Mindful writing is a practice that blends mindfulness and writing to help you to observe your experience without becoming so entangled in it. With practice, mindful writing can help you to observe your inner critic without believing what it tells you. It can help you to observe your thoughts without getting entangled in them so that you can enjoy writing.

The practice can help you to connect with creative flow, bypass writer’s block, and enjoy a sense of creative freedom with your writing. You don’t have to argue with the voices in your head, silence them, or resolve them. You can choose to take a step back from them, see them for what they are, and keep on writing. 

Your inner critic may tell you that your writing sucks or you’ll never reach your writing goals, but you don’t have to believe those thoughts or allow them to continue to rule your writing or your life any longer. When you practice mindful writing, you’ll learn how to engage your inner witness consciousness so that you maintain awareness of your experience rather than becoming entangled in it.

Being entangled in writer’s block goes something like this:

I’ve got to get this written. 
Who are you kidding? Your writing sucks. 
You’re right. What was I thinking? I can’t write. I’ll never get this done. 

Observing the inner critic from the perspective of your inner objective witness goes something like this:

I’ve got to get this written. 
Who are you kidding? Your writing sucks. 
Oh, that’s interesting. There’s that inner critical voice. Let me take my attention and place it back on the writing and get this done. I can do this. 

Can you feel the difference between entanglement and observation? With practice, you can become more skillful at this and rarely to never get entangled in writer’s block. 

One other thing that you may want to consider. Most people believe that writer’s block happens due to fear of failure. I’d invite you to consider that sometimes writer’s block happens due to a fear of vulnerability and/or a fear of success. Regardless, all of this can be worked through so that you can move forward toward connecting with your creative flow, writing well, and finding creative freedom. 

Click here to learn about Jen’s next Mindful Writing for Transformation workshop online.

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